Waterproof - Collection

Check out waterproof and rain repellent products for dogs and cats like jackets, boots, and car seat protectors. Wet and muddy adventures just got more fun!

Waterproof Collar

Waterproof Leash

Waterproof Long Line

Trekker Seat Protector

Packable Rain Poncho

Delta Rain Slicker

Starling Reflective Jacket

Repel Rain Suit

Waterproof Collar

Waterproof Leash

Waterproof Long Line

Trekker Seat Protector

Packable Rain Poncho

Delta Rain Slicker

Starling Reflective Jacket

Repel Rain Suit

Cascade Coat

Shasta Coat

Vista Coat

Circuit Coat

Cascade Coat

Shasta Coat

Vista Coat

Circuit Coat

Drift Coat

Drift Kitty Coat

District Parka

Strider Boots

Drift Coat

Drift Kitty Coat

District Parka

Strider Boots

Waterproof Collar

Waterproof Leash

Waterproof Long Line

Trekker Seat Protector

Packable Rain Poncho

Delta Rain Slicker

Starling Reflective Jacket

Repel Rain Suit

Cascade Coat

Shasta Coat

Vista Coat

Circuit Coat

Drift Coat

Drift Kitty Coat

District Parka

Strider Boots